Saturday, April 30, 2005

OS X Tiger launch

osx pantherJust came back from Apple center, OS X Tiger (10.4.x) launch. Demo a few things:-

spotlightSpotlight A desktop searching tools, very powerful.

dashboardDashboard Is just small application, most important is the services. e.g. dictionary, weather...

Safari RSS
You know RSS, I don't know.
(demo screen saver is able to show RSS news feed)
Smart folder
link all you search result into a folder.

Apple consistently show the effort on seem-less integration of application with user interface. The presentation is not very attractive, definitely can't beat Steve Jobs. Later, I talk with the presenter--Jason, he just first day working there, another Apple fanatic.

The event start late, though they have refreshment, just drinks, no food, very hungry now. The door gift is just a pen and a neck strip, I though there is a T-shirt, very disappointing. A low budget launch, even lower than local independent movie, but the OS X Tiger pricing not low, offer price is RM499!

postgresql v8.0.2, 1st try

postgresqlIs a long time never compile any program, finally I decide to compile postgresql-8.0.2, on solaris. I have some problem after I compile and install:- 1. postgres.bki (and other) - default install in share/, but initdb program locate the program in share/postgresql/ 2. InitDB: could not access file "$libdir/ascii_and_mic" - solution says $ configure --without-zlib, but seems like doesn't work for me The compilation on Solaris (Ultrasparc II), take me about 30 to 45 minutes for a clean compilation. Since rushing for OS X Tiger (10.4.x) launch and demo, so try next day.

Friday, April 29, 2005

View of Venture Capitalist

An interesting artible (New York Times) about Venture Capitalist on open source Company.

marc fleurySAN FRANCISCO, April 26 - The first time Marc Fleury tried to raise money for his technology start-up company, in mid-2000...

He was rejected, because he is doing open source and try to compete with IBM. Four years later his company received a combined $10 million from two prominent venture capital firms. The company is JBoss.

Something which is impossible few years back, is possible, JBoss prove it. JBoss startup small (20 developers), but with good technical background. The other open source company which doing well is Ximian (eventhough bought over by Novell now).

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Turning Green

novel suse linux When Novell started its certification course, their fist target group will be RHCE (Red Hat Certified Engineer), the reason are just simple, Novell has acquire SuSE Linux for $210 million in cash, at the end of year 2003. The news from cnet:- "在台(灣)推出 Linux 認證課程之後, Novell 的首要招攬對象將是 Red Hat 認證工程師。" Redhat which have a big name in local opensource community, but before they start to have a office and invest heavily here, they are charging RM1000 (and above) for RHCE examination fee, not including the training courses. Will RHCE end up a stepping stone to Novell's NCLE (Novell Certified Linux Engineer)? Once Novell integrate its directory service into Novell (SuSE) Linux and start migrating existing Netware customer to the new platform, NCLE will be useful.

Friday, April 22, 2005

A small flame war on local OSS magazine

Yesterday, my friend in OSS send the link, title "MYOSS Hot topic", I think the flame war start here.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Dindings Secondary School

dindings school
After hearing the Dindings School story for many years, I visited the school on Saturday (16 Apr 2005). Dindings Secondary School located at Manjung (old name dindings) district, Perak state. The school build beside a palm oil estate, far (about 5km) away from Sitiawan town center.

dindings school

Is saturday afternoon, weather is hot as usual. No students are around since is not a normal school day, the school is just like the other school located in rural area, old and simple setup, but not until you see the network infrastructure hidden inside the school.

When I step into the 3 story building, and pass by the admin office, there is no teacher in the office but a few student happily using the computer in the office, surfing internet, playing mp3 songs...

I went into the headmaster office, the headmaster--Mr. Tiong is on his way back to the school. Tiong turn his office into a server room and computer repair lab. Networks cables, switches, computer motherboard, lying around the room everywhere, a student is working on a motherboard, try to fix the hardisk problem... The students are self-discipline. I just practise what they do in the repair lab, I take a can of soft drink from the refrigerator, and drop my money into a collection box, all self-discipline.

Tiong came back about 20 minutes later and show me around the school. The school have 800 students, 140 computers, students pay a minimum fees of 120 per year, they are allow to use the computer freely. There are 6 laser jet printer, students can print (50 pages per student) from any of these computers, because they are all network together. I pass by the science lab, and peak through the windows, each bench of the lab was setup with a PC there.

Even though I know this school is well equipted with networking, is unbelievable until you see with your own eyes. The server room, with 24 hours of aircond supply, is the main gateway connected to the internet through 2 Mega bits ADSL line. There is about 400+ network jacket distributed around the school, connected through cables and fiber optics, they have wireless network access too! Each students have their own email account, many of the students know how to intall software, repair PC and clamp network cables. Tiong told me the server room network is setup by the students.

The students here learn how to use office application, internet, even programming like C and Java, one of the students show me the books that they used in their IT courses. There are technical classes which have more intensive computer courses, about 20 student per class, each can access internet at all time, so they can check information from the internet during lecturing time. There is another few more (newly build) computer rooms, is still under construction, but expect to be ompleted in about 1 to 2 months time. All the funding came from donations and computer fees collected from the students.

Mr. Tiong show me their School Management System(SMS). All student records, report cards, are uploaded into the computer database and online. Parents can check their children's results and the attendence list at home through internet. The school have a library modules (software system) which record all books borrowed by the students, is all computerize.

When I go back to the school after dinner, I saw a few of the student are helping Mr. Tiong, tracing the network problem, they will stay over night in the school, because they are going to Ipoh to attend some event on the next early morning. Tiong shows me the presentation material that he is going to train the students on basic knowledge about computer hardware, I run through those material, is good.

I ask Mr. Tiong, why he is doing all these things? Beside of interest, he want information to be access easily to every students in the school. What else I can say about this, I heard of many school want computerize, but not many succeeded. Is not just about vision and funding, is the implementation and consistency to make it into a success. I leave the school on Sunday, and I will visit the school again in near future.


story on trinetizen.

story on cnet asia.

Friday, April 15, 2005 is not free anymore

Everyone knows about it, and has establish.

Hi Meetup Organizer -- We have some important news to share with you about new features and required monthly Group Fees.

The news even came out from slashdot (/.). They will collect 19/month from the organizer and normal member are still free (but might not be in the futures).

Some people comment, the software (web services) they provide are poorly written, 19/month is expensive.

This is true, for a charge service, they should provide a better software, more stable and with more functions. is a place where people are free to login and register, join in local interest group, where you can meet with the others who have common interest face to face. Currently redhat (KL) meetup use the service there, but is not difficult to move it out later. provide
- member registration
- create venue and events
- registration for events
- poll
- forum
- track active members

A few problems with
- can't search by meetup time
- can't limit the number of user register to a event (limit by the location)

(and many more, just lazy to write it down here.)

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 Launch, in Malaysia

The event is at le Meridian, near KL Sentral. I was lost, and late for the event, reach about 10am(the event start at 9am). Silvia serving at the registration counter, and I meet with Tanya(Red Hat Channel Manager, ASEAN) for the 1st time, after I heard about her name since this January. Tanya base in Singapore, since Red Hat do not have a office in Kuala Lumpur(since Hew left), Singapore became a regional office in this area. Should read about "Should we be surprised?" from, I see the report before but can't find it on Singapore business week now, cnet news is here. Yeak(MyDir) have setup a booth for showcase too, but don't really have much time to talk with him, and take a look the product. Surprisingly I meet Chin Fah, he has been busy travelling for the pass few months and skip the meetup events, may be he will be joing in June event. Jude(CSN), just pass by me and don't have any chances to chat with him. The event (not in detail):- 10:00 to 11:00am Quak(Redhat) talk on rhel4, there are 2 main things about the new version of redhat enterprise linux; linux kernel 2.6 and Security (SE). Speaker from IBM, go through very fast, you can get the software from (refreshment break) 11:15am to 12:00pm Quak show the redhat desktop, and show us the installation of the redhat software on a VMWare. Someone ask Quak some interesting question about Tao(?) Linux, Quak answer is they are allow to do so, but they can't relate the product to redhat's name. I don't really get the name Tao, but there is whitebox linux which re-compile from rhel sources. Speaker from intel talks about linux on intel platform. Is a half day session and nothing much, just to meet some people there, nothing much. The refreshment is good, the fried chicken wing is nice, but finish fast, only grap 1, and I feel a bit hungry now.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Redhat/MYOSS join meetup April 2005

This a great success, about 30 members attended, we have to squeeze in to fit into the room. The 2 presentation is informative:-

1. "Virtual Server", by Khairil
2. "Asterisk, Opensource PABX", by Ditesh

The Asterish demo is interesting, live demo with the "China Phone" & "India Phone", oh is really working, no joking!

The presentation is uploaded here.

After the 2 presentation, Ow review his secret project, since he told me the website is not up yet, just wait for his public announcement, it should be interesting. Good work Ow.

Linus Lai is here(absent on the previous meetup), and he keep joking during and after the presentation, make the meetup lively. Some people comment, we are joking too much, but even though we are laughing, but we are serious.

The attendence list is here:

fuyichin(rh meetup organizer), jason(myoss meetup organizer), silvia(T. Choice), khairil(speaker 1), ditesh(speaker 2, a6?), Kenneth Teh, Noor Azman(Mara Polytech, CS), Samuel Kan(student and youngest) and his father, Alex Lam, Lee Yoong Wgon, Peter Moo, Callista, Pun E-Ken, Eddie, cheung loong, yeak(myDir), csyeow, Lee Poh Boon, Aizat(APIIT), Tommy Chui, kian meng, Paul Ooi, Chua Kia Nee, William Gan, Poh (Yong Meng), Ow (Mun Heng, Nik, lotso), Chan (Min Wai), Linus Lai, freon.

May be this is the time where the meetup group should brain storm where we are going to, in the future.

photo of the (official) redhat meetup is here.

photos host in UNDP.

For the detail of the meetup blog, please check Ow's blog, but seems like he didn't blog the event this time.

We leave Training Choice office about 10pm. Ditesh, Khairil, Jason, Ow, fuyichi, and a few of the others went to a mamak store near by, continue chit-chat. We all left at 11:45pm.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Quicktime Alternative

I found this Quicktime Alternative when I am working on video editing, this quicktime driver can replace the existing Quicktime from Apple, some comment it is better than official quicktime. I don't know where is this quicktime alternative came from, it came with a GPL Media Player too. There is a Real Audio Alternative too.

OS X Palm sync

I get a Palm Vx serial sync cable from Yahoo auction, though it can't work on OS X, and hopefully it can work on Linux, but I found out there is a driver for OS X.

The usb serial Palm sync cable is using and cheap and common chipset(should be pl-2303) manufacture by taiwan manufacturer, prolific, which can download from the website.

I get it work with Palm Desktop (4.2x) on OS X, but may be there is some problem with the driver, a simple data sync will take 15 to 45 minutes. The driver name under OSX is /dev/tty.usbserial.

Choose usb-serial, the option will appear once the cable plugin

This driver work well on linux kernel, module name is pl-2303.o

Tuesday, April 05, 2005