Saturday, October 14, 2006

GSC e-payment

I like movies, but I am lazy. I hate the long queue infront of the cinema ticket counter, so normally I watch movies during weekdays, or waint until everyone finish wathing it.

Some people like to use online booking or telephone booking, but you need to collect the ticket 30 minutes before the movie started. If you know my 'movie marathos', I watch the 7:30pm show after work, I might not able to make it before half an hour time.

Sometimes the phone booking seats was not collected, it will be openned to the others. I did tried my luck to get those seats, is good seat, right in the center of the cinema. I just don't understand why they implement such a system, the system may be abused because you don't have to pay if you don't collect the tickets. If they want to earn the extra 50 cents per booking, I will be very surprised.

Finally GSC came out with the e-payment ticketing system. I have been using it for quite some time and I am happy with it. You pay for the ticket online through credit card, the tickets is yours, you don't have to reach early to pick up the tickets. The e-payment system only available for Mid-Valley and 1U (new wing) cinema only.

GSC e-Payment: Choose your seat

How do you get the tickets? Remeber to bring along your credit card which you used to pay the tickets. Insert the credit card into the e-Payment KIOSK, follow the procedure, you will get the tickets. Sometimes the machine will response a bit slow, just be patient, if is not working, you can always re-print your ticket through Gold Class ticket counter.

The e-payment system charge extra 50 cents for each tickets, is expensive. The good things about using the e-Payment system is, you can choose your seat online, is using Flash technology. You see, these days website don't use Java applet, they use flash. YouTube use flash, was bought over by Google for 1.65 billion USD recently.


  1. do u know anything about the software or hardware tat uses for online ticketing system in GSC

  2. Not very sure, I just know is flash.
