Friday, December 18, 2009

Yes I use Google Chrome browser

When I show my HP mini to an IT friend, he says, "Hei! You use Google Chome!".

Yes, I am using Google Chrome, because Google Chorome design suit my style. I prefer a simple user interface, without much toolbar, free more space for browsing display as much as possible.

Did you notice Google Chome does not have a menu bar, unlike most of the applications, the menu access is just the 2 icons at the right side of the url address bar. The status bar is always hidden at the bottom, it only appear at the bottom left corner to display url and other status information when necessary.

Google Chrome use tab browsing as most of the advance browser did. The tab control don't occupied a horizontal space as most of the browser did, it make use of the standard Windows title bar to put in its tab control.

Since the HP mini (1000) has a 1024x600 display resolution, smaller than the standard 1024x768 display resolution. Google Chrome's neat and cleaner design is just nice for netbook Internet browsing.

(Google is pushing Chrome browser to Mac users)

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