Thursday, July 28, 2011

WebCamp KL 7 2011

You should attend the WebCamp KL 7, it was fun. Those first timer should feel interesting tonight, there are still people commented that is a bit too technical. The turn up is good, about 50.

What is WebCamp KL? A meetup for people who are interested in web related stuff, for technical and non technical as well. The meetup is quite casual, they even talk casual topic which is not web related as well. They have monthly meetup at Mindvalley, Wisma UOA, Bangsar. Is just besides Bangsar LRT station.

I did blog about WebCamp five before. You can check out their facebook group and coming up event.

They try something different this time, the Pecha Kucha 20x20 presentation. What is Pecha Kucha presentation? Is to present 20 slides, each slide in 20 seconds. You have to finish the presentation in 7 minutes time.

I really like it, because presentation in casual event like this shouldn't drag too long.

Brief list of the presentations:

1. Symbology by Shue from
2. Ruben Tan on Development Workflow.
3. Jern on web related stuff.
4. Diving presentation by Wu Han.
and an adhoc presentation by BuZz
5. What's wrong with the game industry.

Is not the end yet. Follow by karaoke pecha kucha presentation. Someone just present a talk with a random give slide, unknown topic and unknown content, just for fun:

First volunteer on "How to do presentation" (I can not remember the exact topic), second volunteer is Kelvin Francis on "25 Bollywood Movies", follow by another 2 presentation. Is just for fun.

Someone has do some video recording, should be posted in the facebook group.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for blogging about it :D.

    The videos are currently being edited, am hoping we'll be getting them up soon-ish (at least I'll make sure they would see the light of the day :).

    Till then, enjoy the audio recordings from

    Looking forward to see you in the next WebCamp!
