Sunday, September 04, 2011

The best moment of Steve Jobs on stage

Unfortunately that day has come.

On August 24 (2011), Steve Job resigned as Apple CEO.

In a letter from Jobs to Apple board and the community:
I have always said if there ever came a day when I could no longer meet my duties and expectations as Apple's CEO, I would be the first to let you know. Unfortunately, that day has come. (more) 
This is a shocking news, but we all know that this day will come. Since Steve Jobs taken his 3rd medical leave on this January for an unknown period.

Do you still remember the best moment when Steve Jobs on stage? We will all miss that. 

Some people will choose the moment when Steve Jobs introduce iPod nano and the first iPhone. iPod and iPhone both taken the IT world by storm. 

iPod nano introduction on Apple Music Special Even 2005

"Anyone wander what is this (small) pocket for? I always wander that." 

"Now we know... because this ..." (Steve Jobs take out the iPod nano) 

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Refer how Sony introduce the Viao P notebook. 

Introduction first iPhone on MacWorld 2007 

"This is the day, that I have been looking forward for two and a half year." 

"Today we are going to introduce 3 revolutionary products."

"An iPod, a phone, and an internet communicator... an iPod, a phone... are you getting it?" 

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I just want to add in 1 more, something in the air.

MacBook Air on MacWorld 2008

When Steve Jobs taken out the first MacBook Air from the envelop. It is so dramatic and impact. 

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No matter which one is the best moment of Steve Jobs, we will miss him on the stage. 

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