Thursday, September 01, 2011

WebCamp KL for homeless August 2011

Yesterday is Hari Raya and Merdeka (Independence) day of Malaysia. The WebCamp KL for August carry on usual, expect most people will go for the long break, but the attendance is better than expectation.

WebCamp KL for the homeless!

The event started at 6pm, much earlier than usual, some beer and pizza were served for those who didn't go for the Hari Raya celebration. Food is not the main point, is the people there who make the event interesting.

There are just 2 speakers:

Richerd Chan from Canada

Richerd Chan (@richerd) from Canada. Richerd is a young and adventurous iOS developer, back pack and moving around in Kuala Lumpur. Richerd talks about his homeless experience sleep on Kuala Lumpur street.

Richerd is planning for his start up which traveling in Malaysia. Good luck, Richerd! 

Mats Engstrom on electronics

Mats Engstrom (@matseng) from Sweden (if I am not wrong). Mats is an experience electronic expert, previously he was working in Dubai, now staying in Malaysia and working on his new startup. Mats' topic on electronic experience, "from idea to market". Mats share his experience on how he design electronic kits for the hobbyist.

If you are interested check out his QuarterK electronic kit. QuarterK on youtube check here

The WebCamp end at 7.30pm, much earlier than usual. Not much about web technology? Yeah, not every time they talk about web, they are quite free and open.

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