Friday, July 16, 2010

Taiwan should learn from Malaysia on WiMax experience

Taiwan TCA (Taiwan Computer Association) made a press release in response to Intel closing down their WiMAX development department, and may focus on LTE.

Intel CEO Paul Otellini will visit Taiwan in October to reiterate Intel commitment to WiMAX technology. TCA Chairman J.T. Wang's statement urge Intel continue support WiMAX because wireless technology is potential and WiMAX is 3 years ahead of LTE.

Intel will not given up any opportunities when the direction of the wireless technology is not clear yet. I believe that Intel already know where they are heading to. Intel will denied drop WiMax support, they still can support WiMax by paying more attention on "lips service".

Taiwan should learn the WiMax experience from Malaysia. You may be very surprise that Malaysia has a good start in WiMax technology and few years ahead of other countries including Taiwan.

Be it a successful or fail case in Malaysia's WiMAX, it will be a very good experience.


The following is a re-write (not translation) of the same content of this blog in Chinese characters.

針對英特爾拆分 WiMax 部門,外界解讀為英特爾淡出 WiMax ,加碼 LTE 。台灣電腦公會理事長王振堂發出新聞稿,正式向英特爾抗議。主要內容為目前 WiMax 領先 LTE 數年,希望英特爾投入資源助台灣發展 WiMax 。而英特爾執長會于八月來台時,會對業界說明英特爾對無線上網科技的動向。(新聞 新聞 中時電子報

英特爾不必對外宣稱放棄 WiMax 。科技發展一日千里,在 LTE 尚未成熟前,市場還有許多的變數。不過英特爾拆解散 WinMax 部門,經已說明英特爾看淡 WiMax 發展。

台灣在近這一年來才大力發展 WiMax 科技,我認為此路難行。馬來西亞早在數年前投入 WiMax ,筆者在一年半前就使用 P1 提供的 WiMax 服務。台灣當局應該來馬來西亞取經,學習那來西亞的 WiMax 經驗。

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