Monday, September 26, 2022

Washington Post Mobile App Does It Right

Washington Post mobile app does it right

Amazon reminds me, my Washington Post free subscription is going to end. Finally I opened the mobile app.

A lot of the traditional newspapers or magazines get it wrong. They put the PDF version of the newspaper (or magazine) and put it online as an online version. Washington Post is a hybrid version website and traditional version. You have a choice to display the printout layout, but once you click on the news, it will show the online version.

The PDF version is not good for mobile/desktop use, because the viewing devices may have different sizes, but the PDF format is fixed, the paragraph never wraps around according to the device. Washington Post app allows you to choose what type of news to be displayed like headlines, editor pick.

Wow! I think the Washington Post does it right.

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

iOS 16 Battery Percentage Display

iOS 16 Battery Percentage Display

iOS 16 is available for download and update. One of the changes that people are paying attention is the battery percentage displayed in the battery status bar. Anything special about this?

I just don't understand.

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Google To Cancel Next Pixelbook

Google abandone the chromebook hardware, but hopefully they don't abandon the Chrome OS.

The chromeOS is a good idea and good implementation. It is a Chrome browser running on Linux, it also has Android framework, so it can run Android apk app. It also has a Debian-like Linux which runs in a VM container.

Only Linux users will appreciate chromeOS.