is all about web 2.0
After I introduced Google AdSense to most of my friends, they just look at me with no expression on their face, like asking me, "So?"
I ask, "Don't you feel excited with it?" Ya I don't think so.
When I show to the others, some of them just replied, what so special? Is just a photo management website.
When I introduce Google Calendar to my friends, some of them can't wait until I finish and walk away.
This time when I try to tell others about meebo, I am more careful. I am asking myself, am I short sighted? or some of them just miss out the important milestone of the internet.
They are web 2.0, but not just about technology, is how they design it. Java script exist for many years, now its power was unleashed.
Some people ask me how meebo make money? Why ask me? Ask them. There are many possibilities to get profited and they have to prove it.
meebo is not the first web base instant messenger, at-least there was already an, but it is not so responsive. I don't know how far meebo can go, but is excited to know.
Saturday, April 29, 2006
roar out loud
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Coding is not easy
Today I read meebo blog, Elaine (one of the three founders of write in the blog, that she has been working for three years with Sandy (another founder) for the coding.
Even I found meebo still lacking a lot of functionality, but it is usable and is a great work to setup They have spent a lot of effort to get what we see now.
Many developers like coding like me.
Coding is fun. When you try to create some real life application, it is not that easy as what others think it is, especially for non developers, look at what meebo developers have done, you should know what I mean.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
McNealy step down from Sun CEO

Originally uploaded by Eddie Awad.
After 22 years working in Sun Microsystems, Scott McNealy will step down as CEO, announce by Sun Microsystems on Monday (24 April). Sun Microsystems share price go up after the announcement.
Sun Microsystems doing well during dot-com era, but after the dot-com bubble burst, they company shares are all time low. McNealy is reluctant to reduce the engineer staff, which is not prefer by stock analyst, so is not a surprise their share price go up after McNealy step down announcement.
Recently Sun is aggressive goes into x86 server market, and McNealy promise to 'open' Solaris operating system in the future, seems like the goal has to be accomplish by his successor, Jonathan Schwartz.
The announcement shown that Sun had long stopped being a leader on the market, and McNealy has lost the trust from the share holders.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Yahoo Widgets

Yahoo Widgets
Originally uploaded by Maccise.
You can download the yahoo widgets, is available for Windows and Mac OS platform.
Widgets are just utility, which look simple and nice, normally connect to an internet service to retrieve some information, eg. weather.
Application are moving from desktop to browser, then back to the desktop (as widgets), and eventually it will go back to the browser. It is the services which make the different.
CNet, Yahoo acquire Konfabulator.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
decode calendar feed
Google Calendar provide a xml and iCal feed for 3rd party application. There is a private feed and a public feed, you need to enable the public feed for other to access, and you shoud not publish you private feed.
I do a quick and dirty hack, to write a C program to retrieve calander information from google, seem to be easy. I am using the libxml2.
I plan to write a plug-ins for JPilot, so I can integrate my google calander into my Palm, I don't think is difficult, but still take time, so I stop here for now.
Anyone is interested?
Friday, April 14, 2006
meebo trio

meebo trio
Originally uploaded by meebo.
The three founders of, Elaine, Seth Steinberg and Sandy. is an integrated instant messenger using the AJAX technology, still in alpha, but is so coo1!
The first public release is on September 2005, is funded by Sequoia Capital.
There is an interview with Seth Sternberg.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Apple Boot Camp

Apple Boot Camp
Originally uploaded by NBAction.
What is this Boot Camp? Boot Camp is a software release by Apple Computer, in the next release of Mac OS X operating system version 10.5(Leopard), allow users to install Windows XP (SP2) on Intel Mac.
Earlier there is a hacking competition to install Windows operating system on Intel Mac, a user 'narf' came out with a method to install Windows on Intel Mac. (see here). There is screen shoot in flickr too.
Is hard to imagine, Apple Computer release such a software, because Apple always insist on their own software and hardware.
This is a hot news on CNet and some Mac Podcast news. I am not so excited about Windows on Mac, but OS X on (other) Intel base computer.
Mac users are so proud of using Apple product. Compare with the IBM compatible PC in 80s, Macintosh has higher resolution display, a better (Motorola) CPU, a cool user interface, even the single reading head apple disk drive is better (for some mac users). Ok, the last one is a joke, but we know many of the reason why Macintosh is better, is not true for today. The user interface experience of MacOS user interface (which is the software) make it different from the others.
Anyway, Mac users will have more choices in operating system, with OS X, Linux and Windows.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Marc Fleury of JBoss

Marc Fleury of JBoss
Originally uploaded by niallkennedy.
Red Hat to acquire of JBoss for 350 million, plus a potential of 70 million, depending on the financial performance.
I think JBoss has a better potential in financial independent than Red Hat, simply because there are more rival in Linux distribution now, and each of them is doing better.
Friday, April 07, 2006
Even Amber Chia can't help
Frank (not Frank Sinatra but a friend of mine) want to buy a notebook. He eying on FTEC notebook, because is very cheap, yet it is.

Frank Sinatra, a famous singer in 50s
Since I remember I read the blog from Paul Ooi, I told him, if he has the budget, try not to. Finally he bought a FTEC notebook.
He just use for less than 2 months, and having some problems. The machine will shutdown automatically, he ask me any possibility cause by virus attack? When he shown his notebook to me, I can't even power on the notebook, so I told him, better send it back to FTEC.
After he send it back to FTEC, confirm is a hardware problem. Even Amber Chia can't help this time.
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Google Page Creater
Google Page Creater
Originally uploaded by
Finally I receive a mail from Google. I can create my own web page using Google Page Creater. I just give it a try and create my first web page in Google:
I have another account with Yahoo (Geocities), but since I am not good in deisgn webpage, blog should be easier for me.
Monday, April 03, 2006
flickr photo directory name

Recently flickr allow the user the choose your own directory name, so you photo link will be:
other than
You can only change you directory name once, but the old directory still valid.
Saturday, April 01, 2006
下午下了一陣豪雨,天氣很涼快。晚上驅車到加油站,無意間看見前面一輛車子的車牌號碼 1xx8 ,不正是友人的車子嗎?我猛按喇叭,他充耳不聞。我加快油門想越過他的車子與他打個招呼。沒想到對方的車子向右一拐,絕塵而去。

Fatal Attraction (1987)